Monthly Archives: February 2012


I took Tar to the airport this morning at 5:30 and then slept till 9 and signed up for my summer classes!! A Maymester 3D design class from 8-2 everrryyyy day and then a Drawing 1 class all summer. Here I go. Chasing my dreams and stuff.

Fifty Nine

(It’s Feb. 28th)

Question. Have you ever danced around just because it’s fun? Like just put on a Best of Motown 1964 hits record and just danced like you really knew what you were doing? I seriously recommend it. The choice of music is essential to your experience. And…in my humble opinion, you can never go wrong with some Temptations, Supremes, Jackson 5. You just can’t. Start with some Gladys Knight and the Pips. You know you want to!

Fifty Eight

(It’s Feb. 27th)

Today was a glorious day.

#1: It is Lisa Bowen’s 23rd bdayyyyy!!! She is the chocolate to my milk, the funfetti icing to my anything, the vodka to my mineral water with a twist of lime. I love her. I got to go out to dinner with her and the familia and that brings me to number 2.

#2: We. Ate. Double. Doozie. Cookie. Cake. And we all got sick. hahaha. But it was sooooo worth itttt! If you don’t know what the proper name for 2 cookies with icing in the middle, it would be called a double doozie. Learn something new every day, huh? Now, Lisa and I have a very long and satisfying relationship with double doozies  from GACC (the Great American Cookie Company). We all go waaaay back. This was nothing short of one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.

#3: On a completely unrelated note, I got an acceptance letter from GSUUUU! haha. I was worried, ya know??

Gonna paint it blue. Again.

Fifty Seven

What a beautiful day!! Like spend all day outside and bask in its greatness kinda day.

Fifty Six

I looked at Art Classes for the summer on GSU’s website. I am SO pumped!!! I wonder if I’ll be as pumped taking 6 hours of 3D design every day in May?? Probs not…

Fifty Five

(It’s Feb. 24th)

The docs sent Non home today from the hospital. Her white blood count was normal and her temp was down, so they didn’t see any reason to keep her. They all agreed if it was her appendix, she would have gotten worse, not better. Lisa came over and we watched Felicity and then went to TCBY. Suuuch a treat!

Fifty Four

(It’s Feb. 23rd)

With Mom being the hospital alllllll day with scans and in the ER (because the docs couldn’t tell if it was her appendix or something else that needed to be addressed), I went to sit with her after I finished babysitting. She didn’t get a room until 3:45 am and I didn’t get home until about 4! Anyways, I got lost when I was leaving after Mom was all taken care of in her room and I wandered around a deserted  area of the hospital for about 10 minutes. I’m talking walking into departments where no one was with big machines and hospital beds and stuff. It was awesome.

Oh…and THE WEATHERRRRRR! It felt like the beach!!

Fifty Three

As I was washing dishes and making dinner this evening, this was my view…

Outside my window

What a life.

Fifty Two

Sooooo I think today’s positive is totally obvious. I worked ALL EVENING/AFTERNOON on updating my blog. I’m sooo glad it’s done, but more importantly I’m glad I did it because I got to relive my past week/10 days. It was action packed, informative, and just plain fun.


(And if you read all the updates and didn’t just scroll through and look at the pictures, I salute [and thank] you!!)

Fifty One

(It’s Feb. 20th.)

Today is President’s Day. So first and foremost, Happy President’s Day everybody!! Everyone is off work and out of school, so I made Beef Stroganoff and Joy came over and ate dinner with us. It was quite fun. Then we got sucked into watching Half Ton Mom and My 600 lb. Life. I swear, TLC really exploits people who don’t fit the “normal” mode, but you get sucked in and can’t turn away from it.